Esha Sadr CV  

Born in 1983, she Works and Lives in Washington, District of Columbia.
Language: Persian, English Familiar: Czech, German  



Philosophy in art

Invisible Red Line: in Iranian Cinema
Ph.D. Theatre-Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Cultural, Theatre and Cinema Studies and Czech Language and History program Art and Philosophy, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic 


Dramatic Literature

Selected classical and modern tragedy structures: a comparative study
MA in Dramatic Literature Art and Architecture, Azad University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran 

Ongoing Project: Ramin Etemadi’s Museum Project “The Memorable Hand

From 2014 till now, Video art and interview documentaries of Iranian honorary artists who have won The Oscar, The Grammy, the GoetheMedaille, and the Legion of Honour called this exclusive collection “The Memorable Hands.” “The Memorable Hands” to pay tribute to influential figures in their lifetime.

Iran: The hand sculptures of many influential Iranian figures such as Shahbanoo Farah Pahlavi, Asghar Farhadi, Kayhan Kalhor, Aydin Aghdashloo, Iran Darroudi, Aliakbar Sadeghi, Louris Tjeknavorian, Kambiz Derambakhsh, Mahmoud Hosseinizad, Farhad Nazerzadeh Kermani, Sadegh Barrirani, ….

United States: Ebi, Nouredin Zarrin Kelk, Fereidoun Farahandouz

Selected Films/ Videos/ Media 

  1. Video Art Flight 752, National Mall, in front of the U.S. Capital, Washington DC
  2. Video Art Flight 752 II, Myth of 4 Exhibition Central Stage and Artists’ Television Access (ATA), California
  3. Video Art Flight 752, Proyector Festival 2020, Madrid, Spain

2012-Now Video Art Little Confessions of Life Series (more than 100 video art less than one minute)
2018. Video Art How My Hands Will Change Your World, documentation of sculpture series by Ramin Etemadi, Salles Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 

  1. Video Art Circle and Little Confessions of Life, Akademie der kunste, Berlin, Germany
    2016. Video Art Circle, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
    2014. Video Art Artist at Work: Vis o Ramin, Vis o Ramin Exhibition by Ramin Etemadi, Mohsen Gallery, Tehran, Iran & Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

Selected Solo Performance Art and Exhibitions

  1. Interdisciplinary Exhibition, Cannot Unsee, Kadikoy Sinemasi, Mezopart, Istanbul, Turkey
  2. Performance Art, Blood Will Never Be Washed Out, through the U.S. Capital to the National Gallery of Arts, Washington DC, USA
  3. Installation Art, Video art, and Mixed Media Paradox of Choice, DC Art Center Gallery, Washington DC, USA (Oct-Nov)
  4. Performance Art Absence of Me, Gilgamesh Atelier, Washington DC, USA
  5. Performance Art, Video Art and Installation Paradox of Choice, Main Gallery, Isfahan, Iran
  6. Performance Art Intercultural Discourses, Afrand Gallery, Tehran, Iran
  7. Performance Art Circle, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran

Selected Group Exhibitions

  1. Curator Blind Spot with Ramin Etemadi, CAMA gallery, Tehran, Iran.
  2. Performer A Document for A Certain Death, with Ramin Etemadi, Rattlestick Theater, Emruz Festival, New York
  3. Sculpture Absence of Me, Redemption Exhibition Cama Gallery, Tehran, Iran
  4. Mix media Paradox of Choice series, Cama Gallery, Tehran, Iran
  5. Mix Media Documents of Circle, Dena Gallery, Tehran, Iran
    2016. Co-Performer White Statue, By Ramin Etemadi Bozorg, Afraid Gallery, Tehran, Iran
  6. Performance Hippolyt III Goosan Artistic Group, Tangier, Morocco
  7. Co-Performer An Agreement’s Document, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran
    2015. Performance Hippolyt II, ITI Germany, Berlin, Germany
    2014. Performance Hippolyt II, Central Stage, California (three times)
    2014. Performance Hippolyt, University Paris8, Paris, France 
  8. Performance Hippolyt, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
  9. Co-Performer Resistance by Ramin Etemadi Bozorg, Fishponds center, Firuzkuh, Iran
  10. Co-Performer I AM AN ARTIST by Ramin Etemadi Bozorg, Gilgamesh atelier, Tehran, Iran

Selected Talks 

  1. Artist Talk with Ramin Etemadi, Collective Traumas and Future Fantasies: The Power of (Visual) Art for Social and Political Transition in Iran, International & hybrid workshop, Institute of Art History, University Bonn, Germany
  2. Artist Talk, Paradox of Choice, Curator: Liz Ashe, DC Art Center Gallery, Washington DC, 
  3. Artists in conversation, The myth of 4 Exhibition Central Stage, California
  4. Panelist, Integration of Iran Immigrants in the United States through Performance Art, ATHE, online conference, Austin, Texas
  5. Artist Talk, Contemporary art in Iran, Seattle, WA, USA 
  6. Artist Talk, Iranian Contemporary Arts, Diaspora Arts Connection, Central Stage, Richmond, California
    2018. Discussion panel and Artist talk, Contemporary Iranian art, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 
  7. Artist talk, Contemporary art in Iran: Circle Performance Art, Mezopart, A corner in the world X Bomontiada, Istanbul, Turkey
  8. Discussion panel and Artist talk, Art as a Social Mirror II, Akademie der Kuns in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, Berlin, Germany. 
  9. Panelist, What is contemporary art?, Dena Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
    2017. Artist talk, Paradox of Choice and Circle, Matn Gallery, Isfahan, Iran.
    2016. The discussion panel, Contemporary art and new media, a symposium on education and new media in art, Tehran Institution in Technology, the Art Department of higher education, Iran.
    2016. The discussion panel, What is Performance Art? Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
    2015. Panelist, Concept Studio: Self, Video Art & Festivals, Idea School, Tehran, Iran
    2015. Discussion panel and Artist talk: What are they weaving in Tehran? International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures,” Free University, Berlin, Germany
    2015. Talk, How DO I Apply, Tiwa Art Institute, Karaj, Iran
    2015. Artist talk, Hippolyt Performance Art, ITI Germany, Berlin, Germany 
  10. Discussion panel and Artist talk, Hippolyt Performance Art, University Paris 8, Paris, France
    2011. Iranian Cinema: A Pathological Assessment of Origins, Trends, and Perspectives with Special Emphasis on Women”
    2010. Mealiest Cinema: Iranian Cinema, the Invisible Lines, Art & Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
    2009. Franz Kafka’s Unfinished Writings, Art & Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
    2008. Selected classical and modern tragedy structures: a comparative study (Faculty of Art and Architecture 2008, Faculty Art and Philosophy Prague 2010) 

Teaching Experience

2021- Workshop season Modern and Contemporary Art Institute of Art

  1. Virtual workshop season 1st-10th, Modern and Contemporary Art and History of PhilosophyInstitute of Art San Fransico
  2. Performance art: Self & Process, Padmart Institute, Tehran, Iran
    2018. Conceptual Art I & II, Lecturer and Moderator, Photography Magazine, Tehran, Iran 
  3. Concept Studio: Self, Video Arts & Festivals, Idea art Institution, Tehran, Iran
    2015. How to Apply for Arts, Charsoo Art Institute, Tehran, Iran
    2015. Artistic Proposal, Charsoo Art Institute, Tehran, Iran
    2013-2017.  Methodology of Research, Art & Architecture University, Tehran, Iran 

2013-2015. History of Philosophy, Art & Architecture University, Tehran, Iran
2013. How to write, University of Applied Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2010. Department of Oriental Languages, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic 

Selected Publication 

  1. Artistic Book Trilogy of Compassion Private Publication Limited Editions, in English

2017-2018. Artistic Book Trilogy of Compassion, Sales Publication, in Farsi

2012-2019 Sharq Daily newspaper (art critic: Theater, Film and Visual arts)

  1. Translator, Human by Stephen Karam English to Farsi
    2017. Translator, Chinese Coffee by Ira Lewis, English to Farsi
  2. Little Confessions of Life, Persian-English
    2013. Infinitive Airports, Collected episodic stories, Persian
    2013. The episode We Were One Family in Confronting the Clash, The Suppressed Voices of Iran, is in English.
    2013. Discordant Murmurs Collected stories in Farsi, Honaar Pub. Iran


I.T.C.J Association of researchers, writers and theater people

France Association d’Amitie Iranian France 

Iranian Theater Forum

Cite des Arts, Paris, France 

Goosan Artistic Group